Green Grass

The rain of the last couple of days has made the grass green and with the warm sunny forecast for the next several I expect that we will be mowing lawns soon, The brook next to the house is running loudly this morning as a result of the rain. Time to get on the water on a regular basis. I plan to make an exploratory fishing trip tomorrow and Saturday. I’ll report my results here.

A sure sign of spring began last week. Argy and I arrived home in the evening to a chorus of spring peepers. They usually start to sing in mid April and this year was no different. As usual they had started in other areas first, I talked with folks that had heard them as much as ten days earlier. Being near the coast and at a relatively high elevation the water nearby warms just a little more slowly.

On warm evenings it is common to see dozens of frogs crossing the road on a trip home and their singing is a pleasant addition to our background.

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