The firewood is in!

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One job that needs to be done every fall is getting the winter supply of firewood stacked in the garage. It is not an especially hard job to complete but it takes a fair amount of time with the cutting, splitting and stacking. I have always liked to have it all done in September but for the last several years it seems to be finished in November. As the fall has become a busier season it seems like there is always some other priority. As of suppertime yesterday though I am finished with firewood for this fall. Now all I need to do is buy next years supply and have it delivered to my woodlot.
I will store away the Grand Lake Canoe in the rafters of the garage today and switch the dog’s water buckets to the heated variety to prevent them from freezing now that the weather has gotten colder. That only leaves cleaning and putting away all of the fishing equipment and then I will be ready for winter to arrive.
Just in time as I have meetings around my job as a lobbyist more frequently over the next few weeks. So the month of downtime that I planned for the coming weeks is simply not going to happen this year.

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