Eagles everywhere I look

Saturday morning I had a striper fishing trip on the lower Saint George River in the morning. I have had fish chasing bait to the surface in several places over the last week and Saturday when I pulled up to one of the most likely spot there were two adult eagles sitting in an oak tree. I had seen them the day before, in fact they were right in amongst the gulls working on the bait that the stripers were chasing to the surface. A great addition to any fishing trip but a real treat on the salt water.

That afternoon I had a family perch fishing trip and when I pulled up and dropped the anchor I heard a familiar cry. I looked up in a large pine tree and there was another adult eagle. After we had been there a while and caught bunch of perch the eagle was still making a lot of noise so I looked more carefully and there on a lower branch there was a young eagle a few limbs down from the adult. The adult had to be a different one than I had seen down below.

I like to have someone fish for bass while I am perch fishing. Actually it gives the adult something interesting to do while the kids are hauling in one perch after another. At any rate it frequently pays off with a big bass and it did Saturday afternoon. Take a look at this nice smallmouth bass caught while the kids were perch fishing.

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