A couple of speaking engagements.

I have been in Philadelphia for a couple of speaking engagements over the last several days. As always it is great to be home, even if my desk has turned into a pile of paper while I was out. This afternoon will be spent playing catch up and preparing for meetings tomorrow.

I enjoyed speaking to the Delaware Valley Women Fly Fishing Association on Monday evening and the Philadelphia Anglers Club downtown at their monthly luncheon on Tuesday. Both groups were fun to present to and had excellent questions. Questions are the thing that keeps it interesting for me as I need to think on my feet a little and consider other viewpoints. Even if I am sometimes taken down a rabbit trail away from my topic. I was fortunate to have a host who was willing to keep me on topic, most of the time. I left the city at around 2 in the afternoon and had not trouble with directions or traffic.

One thing is for sure it makes me appreciate the life that we are able to live in a rural area with interesting work and none of the hassles of city living, like traffic or crowds. On the other hand it is fun to have a Starbucks coffee every afternoon as a lift instead of my home brewed brand. I hope to speak to a few groups each year on topics that I know something about and they are interested in. Give me a call if your group would like a speaker on the Maine Outdoors.

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