Barred owls in the neighborhood!

We usually have a pair of barred owls nesting in the woodlot next to the house but this year there seem to be more owls than usual around. Last evening I went out to exercise the dogs as it was just getting dark, when I opened the kennel gate the squeak caused an owl to holler and let everyone know that he was around. Because it was still pretty light I could make him out plainly in an oak tree about fifty yards away. We hear them frequently but this one was very plain to see. I ducked into the house and told Argy and the boys that they should come out and see this owl. They quickly put on jackets and came out to see. When they were all there and had seen him he started calling and of course everyone hooted back. The owl then flew into the tree right over our heads and looked down at us watching as if we were maybe something to eat. Another owl called from behind the house and in a second thy were both in one of the oak trees in the back yard calling to each other and carrying on. I assumed that we were seeing owls on the edge of their territories staking claim to our backyard. After a few minutes of calling to each other they flew off in the same direction so I may have been wrong with the territory theory. At any rate it was great to have such an excellent sighting and to have the entire family see them. So often I am alone or with clients when I see something unusual. Interesting there were barred owls calling from several different directions when that pair flew off. The barred owl is very common and has a distinctive call that anyone can recognize it goes; who, who, who cooks for you! Listen in your neighborhood and see if there are any around.

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