Up and around again

I returned home from my trip last week and promptly came down with the flu. I was unable to get up for three days. I guess that is a sign of getting older when you don’t snap back like you did when you were 20.

Been in the office today getting the backlog cleaned up. It was very frustrating to have a bunch of stuff that needed to be done and not be able to get to it. On the up side I signed up three more participants for the Guides Business Seminar on April 1. I was beginning to think that I had reached the point where no one else was interested or that everyone was planning on going fishing on opening day. Even though opening day of fishing season in Maine is usually raining and or snowing and the ice is still thick everywhere.

I started to work on the spring newsletter in print that I had actually hoped to already have in the mail. I don’t think that it will take long to put it together, and in these modern times getting it printed and mailed is a snap. So I am still confident I can get it into my clients’ hands by April 1. I decided to go back to a print newsletter after several clients asked for one, many of them saying that the electronic version was just not the same. I guess that they just like to take a minute and sit down to read what has been going on with something that they can hold on their hands and I plan to give them exactly what they want.

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