
I have been thinking about advertising and promotion lately. I have use a regular newsletter generated from my web page, this weblog, a printed newsletter and a variety of ads that I purchase including Google ads. I am pretty careful about tracking the results the each method brings and am sometimes surprised by the lack of results.

I try to take the long view on customer generation because usually I have a client for a number for years and see them many times. So rarely does an ad generate enough in sales to pay for itself in one year, the payback is viewed over the long term. My Google ads generate a significant amount of traffic to my web site but rarely results in a sale. So I am wondering if it is in fact an effective method for me.

As an interesting aside there is a minor tempest going at the moment over the state’s office of tourism purchasing the same keywords as Maine businesses and driving up the price of those ads. It is an interesting concern, I know for sure that I have at times been bidding against not just other businesses but also the state for certain keywords. Am I competing against myself?

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