
Fishing on Megunticook Lake in Camden

Yesterday afternoon was my first trip on Megunticook Lake for the season. The sky was clear and there was a chilly breeze out of the northwest. I was prospecting for guided trips over the next few weeks and I like what I saw.

The eagles are back nesting on the lake providing multiple opportunities to see them perched, on the nest and flying. Loons have returned in good numbers and I saw several pairs, one pair in particular seemed to have a nest in a cove that they were pretty interested in having me not around.

Megunticook Lake

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I have been on Megunticook Lake in Camden much more this year. Partly due to Ken Bailey having some health problems and filling in for him and another guide. Partly due to clients requesting to go there and finally liking what I saw. First let me state up front that in the high summer on a nice day it is way too busy for my taste. But on a September day with only a couple of other boats it was an absoulte delight. Even in the gale we had today it was still possible to find places to get out of the wind and cast a fly to bass.



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Tropical Storm Hannah really did not have much of an impact on our area beyond lots of rain. I heard that western Maine recieved as much as seven inches. We did not have that much but we did have enough to raise the freshwater part of the Saint George significantly and change the color of the saltwater section from sea green to freshwater brown. The color change was visible yesterday as far out as the nearby islands.



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