
Ice This Morning

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This winter has certainly been a disappointment for snow lovers. Unlike the last few we have very little snow on the ground and only a few really cold days. This warmer weather pattern means that here in the mid coast storms start with snow but often turn to ice and eventually rain. The last few days have been exactly that, with some light snow then flurries and last night (luckily after I arrived home from Augusta) freezing rain.

January at last!

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The warm winter had started to feel a little unnatural. Our daytime temperatures were in the forties during the day and rarely going below twenty at night. While easy on the firewood supply it simply did not feel like winter in Maine. All of that has changed at least for the time being. We had snow on Thursday; not a lot but six or so inches followed by freezing rain on Friday that made travelling to Portland with Argy an adventure.

A morning of big birds

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Walking in the snow the other day I was treated to seeing a couple of big birds very close. The first was a large tom turkey hiding in the brush at the edge of the road. As I walked to within fifteen feet or so he took to the air with a great flapping of wings. Needless to say a bird that large taking to the air from the ground so close is both impressive and startling!Pileated Woodpecker


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