
Guide Seminar Online?

Sometimes I have a few odd minutes to fill and am always on the lookout for something fun and useful to do with the time. I was sent a link to a lecture on TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) that I found interesting. So I spent some time checking it out and discovered that the talks can be downloaded as Podcasts and loaded onto my iPod. I had to wait for the Yukon to be repaired yesterday and the casts were a perfect way to fill the hour or so that the repair took.


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Cold and raining this morning one of those early spring days that would almost be better as a snowstorm. Luckily the wind is not blowing at the moment but the forecast calls for a strong wind tonight and tomorrow as the storm pulls away. I have a meeting in Bangor tonight so rain is preferable to snow just this once, I have driven home from Bangor in the dark during a snowstorm and can report that it is not any fun at all.

It's Show Season

Spring in Maine is marked by a number of outdoors shows and exhibits. Over the weekend I attended two of them and as always it was great fun to visit with old friends from around the state and in different aspects of my business. Saturday I attended the LL Bean fishing expo at the new hunting and fishing store in Freeport. They had a good turnout with lots of interesting seminars. I spent a half an hour or so watching someone else teach flyfishing which I found extremely helpful. There is nothing like watching a different approach to teaching an activity.


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