Yes I do get to go fishing during the season

The summer is flying by with trips most every day. Clients frequently ask me about what I do for fun and the answer is simply making you successful is as much fun as I can have. Still I do love to fish and squeeze in a few minutes fishing each week. Last week was no exception. Let me describe the times that I was able to fit into my schedule.

The first was about twenty minutes before a learn to fly fish trip.  Motored across the pond to where I thought the fish would be and made a few casts with the Orvis HD rod with a new line on it. What a pleasure to cast. The fish were hungry not a fish a cast but close. I landed several black crappie, some sunfish and a nice bass before heading back to the landing to pick up the mornings clients. A very pleasant way to start my day.

My next adventure was between two striper fishing trips. I knew where the fish were when I ended my morning trip and headed right back there after eating lunch. On my very first cast the surface popper was grabbed by a striper of thirty two inches. After landing that one I did manage two more before heading back to the harbor to start round two. What a treat.

Finally Argy and I spent a night camping on an island in one of the local ponds (my day off this week). In the morning I fished out of the canoe and the bass were taking dragonflies with abandon. After a little testing to find the right size and shape fly it was off to the races. In a little more than two hours I landed a couple dozen bass with the biggest about 3 pounds. All of them taking a large fly off of the surface. Including one who took the fly after I had managed to put the line over a branch with the fly just reaching the surface of the water. Pretty funny and yes I do that just like some of my clients. The breeze came up and made keeping the canoe in the right spot a challenge putting an end to a very pleasant couple of hours.

So there you have it the little fishing trips that I manage to squeeze in during my season. I hope that you are able to sneak in a few minutes on the water too.


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