Winter Sputtering to a Start

Seems like winter is having a hard time getting started this year. First a warm November and early December, granted a few early snow storms. Now we have some cold and snow followed by warm and rain.

Christmas Eve was cold with the temperature bottoming out at a little above zero, on Christmas Day a light snow that began in the morning and gradually increased in intensity until we have several inches on the ground. This latest snowfall was the perfect light fluffy variety. Easy to shovel or even sweep away with a  broom.

Now the weather forecast calls for warm and rain followed by wind and cold. Maintaining the New England tradition of changeable weather I suppose. Fortunately my new role with the Maine Professional Guides Association will have me indoors much of the winter. In fact the legislature’s fish and wildlife committee will be starting up again right after the first of the year.

Mo matter what the weather chooses to do I’ll be working indoors warm and dry!

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