When I am guiding in the summer and fall clients always ask “what do you do in the winter?” thinking that I am simply hanging around and once in a while putting another stick of wood in the stove. When I tell them that I also wear the hat of Executive Director of the Maine Professional Guides Association I get a nod that say “that must be easy”.
Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact guides are impacted by many things from environmental rules to labor law not to mention fish and wildlife issues. The range and volume can sometimes be staggering. I am in the middle of the legislative session that presents a bunch of new (and recycled) ideas that may impact guides, most of the important rules for the coming seasons are proposed and enacted in late winter. All of that makes for a busy and interesting stretch that clients assume is slow paced and sleepy.
It is a privilege to be engaged in many of these conversations and be able to present the viewpoint of the working guide. Do things always go the way that I want them to? Of course not but I am sure that we are heard. In the back of my mind I am longing for those warm summer days guiding clients on a local pond or down on the saltwater catching a few mackerel. The boats are still covered in snow this morning but it won't be long now.
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