
I am inside by a warm fire as I write this outside the winter wind is blowing and the temperatures have begun to plummet (headed in to the teens tonight). The dogs are in their kennel boxes luxuriating in the warmth of the office. Later this week the possibility of our first snowstorm of the season is a real possibility.

I am thankful for a winters wood supply in the garage ready to keep the house and office warm; my family who understands and tolerates all that it takes to be a guide; my fellow guides who have trusted me to be the Executive Director of their professional organization and of course all of my clients who allow me to spend time outdoors with them.

I hope that each of you has as much to be thankful for as I am this thanksgiving season. I’m sure that there are a few more warm days for fishing and grouse hunting before winter really sets in and I hope that each of you are looking forward to getting outdoors in the next month or so.

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