The season is not over

It has slowed down though. There are trees changing to red here and there along the lakes and water temperatures have dropped from their summer highs. This is a seasonal business no doubt but there are seasons within seasons. For instance in the last two weeks I have enjoyed time with several fly fishing parties, some learning to fly fish and some accomplished anglers. A week or so ago I realized that I likely guided the last kids perch fishing trip for the season. Not because the fish are no longer cooperating but rather the kids are headed back to school. In many parts of the country, they are already in school. I really enjoy those kids trips but I’ll likely have to wait for next summer to do one again.

The online calendar system that I use allows me to compare years and seasons with the click of a button. In the old days I did that season review, but it took hours, and I am guessing was nowhere near as accurate. So, for the record I am at 108 trips for the season today: my usual season total is130 or so. I have another 25 reservations in the calendar so pretty much on track to be a normal season.

One change that is of note is that for years August was my busiest month but for the last few years July is the leader. June and September are nearly equal in number of trips, but October is now gaining. In no small part I am guessing because of the great weather we have had in October lately.

Clearly the season is not over but will drop back to a more measured pace for the next few months before the boat goes in for maintenance and I put the fishing gear away for the winter. With any luck I will have time to stack the rest of our firewood before it is covered in snow.

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