Late Fall Brook Trout

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This afternoon continued the warm pattern of the last few days with the temperature at 50 degrees. I arrived home from meetings in Augusta at around 3. Not enough time to load the dogs for a hunting trip but plenty of time for a quick trip down to the Saint George for a little trout fishing. I arrived at the river at around 3:30 waders on and ready to go. I started in the usual pool but as I looked upriver into the smooth water I could see fish breaking the surface every now and then.

I came out of the water and headed upriver toward the surfacing fish. On my way I met a spin fisherman who allowed as how he had been there for a some time with no luck but clearly there were fish around. As the other angler packed up and left I waded out into the water until I was waist deep and began to cast. Not fast fishing but in the next forty minutes I landed three brook trout and lost five others. Beautiful fall trout with vivid colors (sorry no pictures) deep red bellies and brilliant white fins, the two males sporting hooked jaws. The largest was a little better than 14 inches and the smallest around a foot.

The fish took a large streamer and the strikes were aggressive, not the gentle sips of spring but hard grabs of the streamer. A couple of the lost fish were because I was surprised by the vicious take and was slow setting the hook. Not that I have ever gotten after a client for missing a fish like that. A great afternoon out and something I plan to repeat as the weather allows between now and the onset of winter.

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