Just a reason to make friends

As the end of another year approaches, I slow down and appreciate all of the folks who have chosen to spend time outdoor with me. After all, if not for them I would not be so fortunate to do work that I love. And I love it so much that I am having a hard time even thinking about stopping as I approach; well actually pass the normal retirement age.

The list of folks I have spent time outdoors with is very long (several thousand at this point) but most importantly contains a great many who I consider friends and look forward to seeing again. Last summer it was very gratifying to guide folks that I had not seen for ten or more years. They had not forgotten me or the experience I was able to provide them and they are in my repertoire of stories.

In today’s Bangor Daily news there was an article about the Amish Charcutier in Unity who is moving his family to Montana next spring. Full disclosure his family is on the list of folks who I look forward to seeing every summer.

The real point is captured in this quote “Secich noted that he’s made more friends than he can count, with customers coming from all over Maine and beyond to buy his cheeses and hand-smoked meats.

“I truly believe that, really, meat and cheese is just an avenue to make friends, that’s all it is,” Secich said. “That’s the most important part. Money comes and goes, but a friendship can last a lifetime, and I can tell you that if there’s anything that I can truly boast about my life is that we, with the charcuterie here, have been so blessed to make a lot of friends. It’s just wonderful.””

Like Matthew I have come to believe that spending time outdoors is just a way to meet folks like you who are a pleasure to spend time with outdoors and have as friends.

Thank you all for the privilege!

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