Improving the Maine Economy

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We have lost our focus here in Maine, we pretend that economic development involves getting some big business to come and provide jobs for our workers. Today any large business shows up with a long list of demands; from training workers to tax breaks. That scenario is limited in its success and we have the empty commercial property and homes to prove it, I can only guess about the cost of those breaks after the business leaves. While the small independent businesses that make up the bulk of our economy are at best ignored or more frequently discouraged by thinking designed to encourage the large.

How about some new thinking that encourages and supports our economic reality? Well over half of Maine’s population earns a living from either self-employment or work in a small firm. Think artists, computer programmers, carpenters, plumbers, commercial fishermen and yes even guides. Logic would dictate that we make some serious effort to encourage the largest segment of our economy.

We could start with an education system that teaches students how to operate an independent business or perhaps an understanding of what a small business actually looks like at the economic development level? One of my favorite stories is about an economic development agency that approached me to offer assistance and started our first meeting by telling me that Maine Outdoors was not viable (after 25 years in existence) good thing I had not met with them in my second year.

A little support to the small; no the micro business sector, will go a very long way to improving our economic situation and deliver value to businesses already here. Who knows one of them might even grow?

Does that make any sense to those of you that lead our communities?

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