How can we improve the connection?

Maine Outdoors is very close to 30 years old and clearly has become an established business. Thank you all. My question is not really in regards to Maine Outdoors rather all of the business organizations that exist to help businesses like mine be more successful. Including the Maine Professional Guides Association where I serve as the Executive Director, the Maine Tourism Association where I serve as Treasurer as well as my local chambers of commerce (belong to 2).

Over the last 30 years I know that Maine Outdoors has developed a reputation for well-run trips in the outdoors. Given that; the number of referrals from the above organizations is at best very low, none in double digits electronically and low single numbers in person. The local chambers have always maintained that taking part is the answer but I have been at times very active in my local chamber less so in the regional one, in either case the referrals could be counted on one hand. My participation in the statewide organizations could not be greater unless I gave up guiding altogether it yields better but still not good results. Certainly not an even return for the level of effort.

To put it in perspective I frequently have folks stay locally for multiple nights on fishing trips with me but the relationship with the lodging properties is rarely reciprocal. The organizations that I mention are in the business of promoting individual members and indeed that is their reason to exist. Perhaps in the electronic age with easy searches the need for this sort of connection has disappeared. I am sure the need is not gone completely.  Can we make the connection better? Or is the need for these types of marketing organizations almost gone?

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