Governor’s Conference on Tourism

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Yesterday was our annual Governor’s Conference at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, as always it was a great learning opportunity and I walked away with plenty to think about.

I went to a session on engineering the customer experience. I have to admit that some of what was suggested is simple for me and already a big part of what I offer. Getting clients to actually participate, not a problem; engaging all of the senses, the smell of the pines on the shore, the call of the loon or the gulls on the saltwater. Creating a connection with a person well yes in three hours we know each other pretty well and they have heard a few of my stories, easy. To me the trick is explaining all of that ahead of time to the folks that are thinking about going on a trip.

I also attended a session on social media and it was great fun to hear the systems that others use for accomplishing a connection electronically. One thing is pretty clear to me. I need to start using the camera on my phone and my GoPro video camera more.

Overall an excellent learning experience. The disappointing part was how few local businesses were represented in the crowd and the fact that there were only a few guides at the event.

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