A First

Being a guide is something that I truly enjoy and it even brings a certain level of notoriety. This season the notoriety has risen to a new level for me.

When I am on the water with clients it is not a secret that I am a guide after all Maine Outdoors logo is on the side of het boat with the web address. Also since I do not fish when with clients it is obvious that there are some who are actively fishing and one who is tying on lures and landing the fish; clearly a guide or really patient friend.

That occasionally gets me followed by another angler who may be struggling on a lake or pond that I know well. Not really a problem as long as they keep a respectful distance, I won’t visit my best spots with someone watching so closely but fair enough. Last August I had one young man so eager to follow along he was more than once in the way of my clients casting. A little over the top don’t you think?

This was taken to a whole new level for me today. The phone rings and the individual explains that he is visiting the area for a few days with friends and not likely to hire a guide. Could I please tell him where to fish in the area? My best spots please? Really?

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