Eaglets out of the nest!

It is easy to mark the progression of the season by the things that happen outdoors and today was one of those annual milestones. I was on a striper fishing trip and in the course of the morning passed three eagle nests. Fishing near the first nest I could see two heads over the side for a few minutes. As we passed the second both chicks were out of the nest perched on a nearby limb. Looking a little unsure of themselves and being exposed to the world for the first time. At the third no sign of the eaglets; I am guessing that by the end of the week all three sets will be out of the nest and moving around the nearby limbs with confidence. Making the next few weeks the best for eagle watching all summer.

The next big milestone for them is learning to fly which will be here before we know it and before long they will leave the nest site altogether. Time marches on!

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