Changing Environment

A veiw over the stern of the Lund on our way homeI read this morning that Maine falls have gotten warmer over the last twenty or so years according to weather records. I don’t have any data but from where I sit that is the case. If you have nothing to do and reach back a long way you will see me writing about a few warm days in October in the north Maine Woods. When I stopped guiding there a few years ago the first week of October was  too hot to work a  bird dog all day in my opinion.

This summer featured water temperatures in the local lakes of well over eighty degrees for a long stretch and the temperature in the saltwater portion f the Saint George was well over seventy for at least a month. Clearly things are warming quickly here on the Maine coast. On the upside fall fishing now lasts until Mid-November and spring ice out is all but guaranteed by April first. Of course that makes ice fising a challenge!

Another change that is happening right before our eyes is the beech leaf wilt that I understand will eventually kill all of the beech trees in our woods. This change will allow a lot of light into the forest floor, and I am eager to see the changes that follow that.

Needless to say, from where I sit things really are different but that is what keeps my job so interesting!

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