Brook Trout!

I do trout fishing trips on a very limited basis, mostly because it is a shoulder season fishery in this part of the state. Trout like cold water and are most active here in the spring and late fall. Sometimes though a client is intent on trout fishing like today and I am glad for the opportunity.

This morning was spent on a small very dark river with a good number (8 or 10) of willing brook trout none of them large but every one a jewel. Some took streamer flies and some came to the surface, overall a very pleasant morning on that small water. The most memorable fish for me literally smacked a surface fly with its side propelling fly and pretty little fish about a foot into the air. Too much fun!

We waded some and worked from the canoe under a perfect blue sky that at one point had an adult bald eagle suspended over our heads. A perfect postcard from Maine and a great memory for me and my client, looking forward to my next visit to that enchanted spot.

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