Dog Gone Well Sort Of

This morning I was home alone and going through my normal routine. I was scheduled to guide a full day fishing trip for smallmouth bass and meeting my clients at the office. I packed the lunches and got ice for the coolers, since I would be in the yard I decided to let the dogs out for their morning run. They were in the yard and I was not paying much attention continuing my preparations for the days trip loading coolers in boat making sure I had the rods I needed and hooking the Lund trailer to the Yukon.

In one of my trips into the house Woody the Golden Retriever was in the mudroom, I chased him out and did not give it another thought. When everything was set I called the dogs to go back into their kennels. Woody came right away and Mae soon after but no Copper. I called again, then got the whistle and blew several times for her but no luck. Really unusual as Copper is almost always right under my feet and always comes when called especially to the whistle. Copper

I walked up and down the road searching and calling but no Copper. Thinking that she had run off somewhere I got into the Yukon and drove around the block. Looking in every field and driveway but no Copper. I asked the neighbors that were out early on Sunday morning if they had seen her but no one had. When I arrive back home my clients pulled in the driveway, time to go! I left the kennel door open and figured that she would return during the day.

After a great day on the water I backed the boat into the driveway expecting to see Copper in the yard or in her kennel. Still no Copper! After saying good bye to my clients and they drove off I called and whistled for Copper again. Deciding that she must really be gone I called the town dog warden asking if anyone had reported finding a pointer, again no luck.

At that point I went into the kitchen and heard a noise in the living room. There she was, she came into the kitchen tail between her legs as if she had done something wrong! I was of course delighted to see her and at first thought that one of the neighbors had put her in the house. But all of them know that the dogs have kennels and would have put her in there.

Near as I can guess she slipped into the house with Woody in the morning and spent the day sleeping in the living room and that was what she was so guilty about. Needless to say I will make sure that I check the house the next time I think that one of the dogs is gone.

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