
Beginning in 2008 Maine Outdoors will donate ten percent of profits to conservation education. The donations consist of help in making conservation education possible, trips and money.

As a country we have made great strides in conservation in the last century. Maine has set aside truly amazing amounts of land in the last decade. But we have been less diligent about making sure that the generations coming behind us will share our appreciation for the woods, waters and the wild things that live there. In fact we have not done a very good job of communicating how important those things are to us to the next generation. The kids coming behind us do not have the same personal experiences with the outdoors that we were fortunate to have.

To help combat that trend, Don Kleiner recently served as the president of the Board of Directors of the Maine Conservation School. The school is focused on developing an understanding of conservation, hunting, fishing and shooting. Don also serves as a trustee at Unity College, a small college about an hour from here that is focused on teaching the next generation of outdoor professionals in a variety of fields.

Maine Outdoors also donates several fishing trips each year to be auctioned or raffled by a variety of non-profit organizations usually with a conservation or education focus.

Don serves on the board of directors of the Maine Tourism Association primarily to advance the position of Maine’s guides within the tourism industry. Hoping to have guides become a valued and respected segment of Maine’s largest industry.


2008 Donations


From Confucius

If your plan is for one year, plant rice; If your plan is for ten years, plant trees;If your plan is for one hundred years, educate the children.

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