I went for two Reiki treatments this week. Mostly on a lark, Ruth Shaw is a member of our local chamber of commerce and offered a free treatment for sinus headache sufferers. I get sinus headaches occasionally which can be debilitating. This winter had had me feeling like I could have one any day. So I took her up on the offer.
After wanting a weather station for most of my life I have one on the roof of the office. I worked a good part of the day getting everything installed and hooked up. I had some trouble getting the barometer to work but was able to get it work after exchanging e-mails with customer service. They were actually of no help but did get me thinking on the right path to helping myself. The weather station was a gift from my sons and it is a great feeling to have one.
I am enjoying my work as the lobbyist for the Maine Bowhunters Association and am delighted to be a part of wildlife conservation issues in Maine again. The Bowhunters are a good group with lots of potential for increasing their impact in the future which makes the work even more exciting. I am a little surprised at the level of activity there is around their issues already. I have something for them at least two days a week and the legislative session has not started yet.