
Customer Relationships

Over the years I have developed some great relationships with my clients. We both enjoy each other’s company and look forward to spending time together each summer or fall. Sometimes I have gone the extra mile for them to make a trip truly memorable or special, a birthday cake, a visit to an out of the way place that I know they will appreciate or something as simple as driving to their hotel with a forgotten jacket or pair of sunglasses.


This morning was the first time I heard the robins sing. Granted it was only for a few minutes, the temperature was in the low teens and yesterday was punctuated with snow squalls. But it was unmistakable and a sure sign that warmer days will be here soon. The snow has melted back to the point where I should be able to pull the Lund out of its winter parking spot and take it for the annual checkup. I am hoping that by the time it is finished there will be some open water to use it in.

Spring Soon!

This week’s project is a new roof on the front of the garage. It has been a great reminder that I am not as young as I used to be. I am sore from climbing ladders and stiff from handling bundles of shingles. When I am finished the roof should be good for another twenty years; of course it will be no fun at all when I am in my seventies!


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