
Kids Fishing Success

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Last Saturday was the 11th Mike Sabins Hooked on Fishing Event put on by my neighbors Scot and Mary. The event was held at Ayer Park in Union on Seven Tree Pond. We had almost perfect fishing weather with lots of fish caught and a good number of families in attendance. Kids caught a variety of kinds of fish; large and smallmouth bass, white and yellow perch along with sunfish. The alewives were in the pond in numbers along the shore letting everyone at least see a few fish. Hope to see you there next year!

Mackerel Mayhem Commences

This morning marked my first mackerel fishing trip of the summer. Well no that is actually wrong it was the first wildlife watching trip where we caught a few mackerel. It was grey and chilly on the way down the Saint George River with only a slight breeze out of the east. With calm seas and cloudy skies the visibility was excellent and there was a lot to see.


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