January is here in a big way this year. After a couple of winters that really did not live up to the name this one feels different. We are in a stretch of low single digit temperatures at night and reaching the low twenties during the day. Mix in a fair amount of wind and you get the picture.
Temperatures are forecast to moderate some next week but for us no snow in the forecast at the moment. Unlike many of you further south this winter. On the upside it is making great ice on the ponds so ice fishing is really part of the plan for the next couple of months. The other benefit of no snow is that the Lund Alaskan comes home with its winter overhaul done. Backing it into the parking spot and getting the cover on will be much easier without having to shovel out to make it possible. Or for that matter having to wear snowshoes to get around.
Spring is on the way as evidenced by the northward movement of the sunrise and slightly more daylight each and every day. Actually we gain about 2 minutes a day now. By my thinking there are about 10 weeks to open water fishing season.
I hope that you are looking forward to that day as much as I am! You can make a reservation for your trip at this link.
As always come write or call if i can help you create some outdoor memories.
Best regards,