World Class Striper Photo

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Several people had mentioned to me that they had seen my picture in the Northwoods Sporting Journal this month. I had no idea whether I was really in or not. I knew that I had not been interviewed but thought that maybe I had been mentioned for being involved in some outdoor issue and an old picture placed with the story. Or perhaps I had been at a hearing or meeting this winter and simply got into the background of a picture.

Don kleiner

So on my way home from striper fishing this week I stopped for a cup of coffee and saw the Journal on the newsstand, I picked it up figuring that I would see what those folks were talking about. I quickly glanced though and all I noticed was a picture of another fellow with a beard fishing with some kids, so I assumed that it was a simple case of mistaken identity. Until this afternoon when I took a few minutes and paged though the magazine carefully. Captain Doug Jowett writes for the Northwoods Sporting Journal and this month wrote about Maine’s fabulous striper fishing in the month of June. At the top of the page there I am holding a striper and smiling. I know that this picture was taken from my old web site but I have no idea when or why I was chosen as the representative guide with a striper. You just never know where I might turn up next!

By the way the fishing is getting better with every tide these days. I would say that by early next week we will have world class striper fishing in the Saint George.

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