Season underway!

The past weekend marked the beginning of the 2017 season. I uncovered the Lund, loaded and inspected all of the safety equipment and got everything ready for the coming season. Part of the preparation is spending some time on each of the lakes and ponds that I will be fishing this season. Mostly to be sure that the boat launch is in good shape and to survey anything that changed since last season. A tree down or some other obstacle that a guide needs to know about. So far I have visited 3 out of the 15 or so I am on regularly.

Each of these trips also involves a little fishing (which is the fun part) so I know where we should start our search for fish. I also checked in on a one of the eagle nests and I think that the chicks were hatching at that moment. Both adults were staring intently into the next and were actively calling to each other. I could not really see in to the nest but it is fun to guess.

This morning is different for sure. Temperature 38 and raining not much of a day to be on the water. I have both woodstoves going and lots to do at my desk. It won’t be long now though!

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